PATENTBUREAU Symbolics Of Prydniprov'ia Rydnya
From history of heraldry of Ukraine
Modern individual symbolism
State differences of Ukraine
Symbolics of Prydniprov'ia regions
Kyiv area
Symbolism of Ukrainian the cossacks


According to the Polish sources, the village was based at 1616 by known feudal lord Stepan Aksak. In Polish documents 1622-1628 it was mentioned as a large village. The part of the village population were cossacks.




The modern emblem



In an azure field is an argent swan with the straightened wings, crowned by the or crown. The emblem adorned by or decorative cartouche and crowned by an or rural crown.

The village was found among a rich wood in marshland where, according to legends, was a water and many swans. One of rural district nowadays refers as Lebedivka. Therefore the argent swan is village symbol. Azure color symbolizes greatness and beauty. The crown above a bird reminds, that the village was the centre of princely possession and has the initial value "a wreath of the winner".




The gonfalon



Gonfalon is a rectangular dark blue panel. In the centre is a white swan with the straightened wings, topped by the yellow crown.