PATENTBUREAU Symbolics Of Prydniprov'ia Horikhiv
From history of heraldry of Ukraine
Modern individual symbolism
State differences of Ukraine
Symbolics of Prydniprov'ia regions
Zaporizhzhia area
Symbolism of Ukrainian the cossacks


It appeared in XVII century as a winter camp of Zaporozhians. In 1787 a large group of settlers from Poltava region came here and brought the name of Horikhiv. In 1801 it got the status of a town.




B.Kene project



B.Kene worked out a project of a new emblem of the town - in an or field you see gules rakes standing rooted to the ground with two vert hazel nuts on the sides. The emblem was made according to the main occupation of the local inhabitants. The nuts denote the first name of the settlement - Horikhova Balka. In the canton you see the emblem of Tavrijs'ka Province. It was not confirmed.




The modern emblem



The or shield divided into cross by the vert beam and azure pale. On the cross is or hazel nuts with argent leaves.




The gonfalon



There is yellow rectangular canvas divided into cross by the horizontal blue and vertical red strips. In the top flagstaff corner is red hazel nuts with green leaves.